Friday, February 27, 2015

Ziplock bags are not like people

Let's face it.  Disposable items are a first-world problem.  I am guilty of using most--- Kcups, ziplock bags, cleaning wipes, bottled water, and the list goes on.

We are a "throw-away" culture. So here is my thought for the day.... Have our one-time use convenience items so permeated our human experience that we can think it is true of each other?  As divorce rates show, only about 50% of couples stay that way for life.  Even within our own homes & families, relationships can go days, weeks, (dare I say months?) without a meaningful spoken word  of love or encouragement.  I cannot fathom not speaking to family members over petty matters like, money, possessions, or different views on life.  But, it happens.  As a teacher, I see parents who 'give up' raising their kids, because it's too difficult... Making for grandparents scrambling to clean up the garbage-of-a-mess now created.

With the exception of sitting around the Thanksgiving table....ahem, once a year....too many families fall into this disposable human relationship conundrum.

Again, this may not be you. But in a subtle way, is it?  Do you avoid phone calls? Do you make phone calls?  Write notes? Is there ANYONE you have disposed of who deserves a moment of your time?

Again, just a thought. Here is a reminder from what God would have us do about this:
You will be doing the right thing if you obey the law of the Kingdom, which is found in the scripture, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Renew and Refresh

Sooooo, my time on Pinterest has led me to believe I, Mandi Sue, could actually write a decent blog. It is time to come back to my blog spot, which I created during a college course, and revamp it for what I truly want it to be. Originally it had teaching ideas and all things education to share, but now I would like to share what I think are my 3 main goals for my life: 1. Be a loving, supportive wife. 2. Be a loving, supportive mother. 3. Be an encourager to all who cross my path. That will be my new focus as I muddle through the endless blog waters already out there. So if you might be reading this today, I would like to encourage you with this DYNAMITE video below. Jefferson describes all that I believe as a Christ follower. Enjoy!