It is going to be a long day ahead... as it was quite a long night last night.
Ugh. The human mind at 3 am is something, isn’t it?
How is it that lying in bed skews all your good judgement? It moves my mind in leaps and bounds to the worst possible story ending before hopping over to another equally awful scenario.
It is like the dark, quiet bedroom in which I typically find solace and 8 hours peaceful sleep becomes the dank dungeon of heavy thinking that cannot be escaped. Thankfully, this happens only occasionally- but last night was one of those occasions. (And, honestly, why doesn’t this ever seem to happen to my husband?)
There I was last night, though, eyes open, thoughts racing and coming up with the scariest possible conclusions for all my darkest fears.... the same thoughts that could float right on by me at 3 pm came rushing in at 3 am bombarding me like a freight train to the point that I get up and come down to the living room for a change of scenery. Thankfully—— the change always helps, but doesn’t always guarantee a quick return to slumber.
But there is Someone— my Sovereign God—-who always returns me to peace, and usually some sleep... not sure why I don’t resort to Him in the first place when I can’t find the rest I need.
It seems after I have myself a decent wrestling match with my tumultuous thoughts, my mind begins searching the card catalogue of my memory for verses to comfort my weary, sleepy head. I hope you can find some comfort in the ones that brought me right back to the land of reasonable thinking last night.
- This one is a biggie for me lately—- it seems to immediately restore a sense of control over my being because I know fear is not from the Lord.
“For God does not gives us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and
self control.” 2 Timothy 1:7
- Also, Romans 8:28 was a memory verse for me long time ago, and the word “ALL” makes the difference for me...
“We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
This helps me understand that life, in all its twists and turns, is not perfect, but God is in the details, and as long as I walk with Him, he is working it all out for good.
- And lastly, in Matthew, Jesus talks to his disciples about God providing for their needs- and here in 2020, I have to say the words are like honey to is just solid advice for the person whose mind is forever fixed on tomorrow.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:33-34
And so, I ask of you, what verses do you bring to mind during a late-night, eyes-wide-open session? What promises of God feather your pillow and and anchor your soul? I would love to write them down for memorization and future reference. Feel free to share yours on my Facebook post or right here below.
Also hoping that today brings a little revitalization and possibly, a nap🥱. May God bless you today, friends!