In a few months from now, I will be rounding the corner to my 40’s.
My 40’s!
As I sit poised at the edge of 39, I am given some clarity and thoughts that might speak to you as well, no matter your age.
I had a surgery yesterday, and as I recoup on the couch, I reflect on what my 30’s have brought me....two children, another dog, many sweet memories and triumphs with my husband & family, a few grade changes as a teacher, new friends, and discovery of some God-given gifts that are still unfolding. It also brought a plethora of gray hairs, extra pounds, stressful stages with toddlers, and life lessons.
Immersed in my reflection, a somber thought occurred to me as I recognized that every day, we die a little.... nobody wants to think of it that way, but if you and I were to compare a snapshot from 20 years ago to one taken today, our faces tell that same truth. Humanly speaking, we lose a little of our physical being daily! You might also attest to the fact that a surgery here or injury there proves our mortal status. All the face creams and vitamins in the world will not. stop. that. clock.
In lighter news, here is another zinger—— daily, I am renewed in Christ.
Every day that I choose to spend time focused on Him, I am being made new. The Bible reveals this truth in a few ways:
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
2 Corinthians 5:17
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2
“He must become greater; I must become less.” John 3:30
Ladies & Gentlemen, if those verses don’t bring you hope, read them again and again! Stick one on your bathroom mirror. Write them in your journal. Tattoo one on your bicep.
God wants to make you new. God wants to use you for His purposes. Don’t be so impressed with what you see in the mirror ... for as time goes by, we all become less physically appealing. What will matter at the end of your days and mine is what God can glean from your life. How did His love transform you to transform this world?
Listen, we will all arrive to the end a bit scarred, embattled, weakened, and aged. But by then, will you be able to say that your soul is lighter, mightier, stronger, faith-filled, and wiser?
What a tragedy it would be to make it to a ripe, old age and never be renewed with the love of Jesus... to never choose to open God’s Word and be never know the love of a Savior... to never fully forgive someone.... to never step out in faith... to never utter a prayer to the only One who can answer...
No pursuit of perfection, but pursuit of God. Choosing His presence over all distractions. Choosing His ways over all of the solutions this world has to offer. If you don’t know where to start, please ask me.
My goal is to walk a bit more closely with God each day.... by my life’s end, I hope to see His handprints all over my life. Not my wisdom, but His. Not my strength, but His. Not my plans, but His.
So for now, I will be gradually beginning to cover the grays, and getting back to physically working out my aging body after healing from this surgery.
And Though our physical beings will wear out, may our spiritual beings shine brighter than ever from one decade to the next... ❤️🙌🏻
One of my favorite Casting Crowns songs perfectly sums up the brevity of this life and the God that holds us all:
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am...
I am Yours, I am Yours.
Sending much love to you all today!