Happy Mother’s Day! What an incredible creation a mother is!
She is the heart and hub of the home. Without her, the wheels would fall off, and all schedules would come unglued. She is the cheerleader, the busy bee, packer of lunches, and so much more! Some moms do all of this even as other factors work against them, like an absent father, or no grandparents nearby, or working full-time.
As time passes by and my years of motherhood gain a bit more experience, I forgive myself for the things I don’t do well—- I don’t balance the checkbook (although my husband does). I don’t remove laundry promptly from the dryer. I hardly can stand to organize our kitchen junk drawer or take both of my kids shopping often. There is freedom in knowing: There are several ways to be an incredible mom, and often, no two are alike. But each one is gifted, valued, and appreciated— even if it’s a thankless job some days. 🙃
All moms, young and old are vast resources for a variety of tasks, and this weekend, I hope you are celebrated for what you do WELL!
We take inventory of how much ketchup or toothpaste is on hand.
We tend to the gift-buying for birthday parties.
We help with homework and crusade for screen time limits.
We cook (some of us better than others) and arrange for groceries.
We taxi the kids to activities and practice, and sometimes there in the car, we find ourselves in deep counseling-type conversations… while also picking up cold French fries and lost wrappers.
We read and pray at bedtime.
We fold laundry and help with changing the sheets.
Are you tired, yet? This is just a fraction of what our days look like!
Yes, we are true servants in our homes, and if we were not, our children would not know the joys of a loving mother. Our sacrifice is everyone else’s gain.
God gifted each one of us with a skill set that just cannot be rivaled. We each shoulder the responsibility of providing happy, wholesome childhoods, and hope to live up to expectations we sometimes create ourselves.
You, mother, are amazing indeed. You are the nurturer of the home. The one who sets the “temperature” of the emotional thermostat of all who share life with you. You have the potential to build a lasting, firm foundation in your child’s faith and emotional stability, all the while working on your own.
May you see your own motherhood as a constant opportunity to show selfless love and may your children be blessed because YOU are their mom.
Proverbs 31:28–29 reads, "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.'"
Today, put your feet up, and rest. 🥰
Happy Mother’s Day, you amazing creation!