Dear Lord,
I bring to you all the working moms.
May you bless those of this generation who are daily inspiring their own children with bravery, work ethic, and fortitude. For with every day-in and day-out, there can be weariness, chaos, and disorganization.
Bring to our homes a steady ebb and flow, and fill us each with enough energy for our own brood, where the real work begins. Give us the energy to actively parent, but also the opportunity to appropriately decompress.
Inspire each of us to make life at home a place of joy, love, creativity, safety and rest— rich in Your teachings and words. Help us each to still speak in love when we are running dry. Enable us to allow ourselves some grace when forgetfulness or haste enters.
Bless our days at work, so that our efforts are not in vain, but make indelible differences in the lives of others. May we reflect Your love both inside and outside our homes. Thank you for the gifts within each of us to fulfill needs in our community and nurture a family at home.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Photo by Benjamin Manley on Unsplash